From Gallifrey to Trenzalore

From Gallifrey to Trenzalore

Sunday 28 December 2014

Plot Holes

I've always seen people pick up on and bemoan plot holes. They are always there.
However, in a show such as Doctor Who you have to accept that there are 'timey wimey' effects that mean things don't always follow in the most natural order and there are often times when you have to fill in the gaps to suit your view of a scene or situation.
My biggest issue is when people create plot holes that aren't there and just want to find fault because it fits their previous thoughts on that actor/director/writer/showrunner! 

I love a bit of mystery when I watch Doctor Who and the marvel of the show is that it entertains but also makes you think.
So stop looking for problems and enjoy it 'your way'

Saturday 27 December 2014

My new discovery

I am planning (hoping) to post here on a daily basis so to keep that up I thought I would share this:
These were discovered in a second-hand shop today and represent a good day!
I don't know if I will ever collect every DVD but it's always good to increase the collection!

Friday 26 December 2014

Clara Oswald

This was the news I was hoping for!
Having enjoyed another excellent episode I faced the anxious wait to find out whether Jenna would still be with us next year.

It was a very clever trick that Moffat played and had me ready to say goodbye! 
I can now look forward to another series with Jenna alongside Peter. 
Merry Christmas!!!

Monday 22 December 2014

Treasure Find

I couldn't believe my luck when out shopping the other week I came across these little treasures:
I can't bring myself to actually open the boxes, let alone actually drink from them! Can't believe the total cost was under £20 too!

Only 3 days to go!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Withdrawal Symptoms

Why do I have to be so busy? Why do I not have the time to sit down and review Capaldi and the impact of Series 8?

I guess it will have to wait. I guess I will have to see out the Christmas special before I get the chance to fully absorb myself in what Series 8 meant to me and where I would like to see the next series going.

So for now I must get back to finishing my work and maybe sneak a little peek on the forums at Gallifrey Base. Then before I know it we will be there and Nick Frost will bound on to the screen and we will enjoy another festive dose of Who :)

Thursday 11 December 2014

Branching Out

I have a new branch to my online adventure!

I have joined the craze that is Instagram! I have very little idea what I'm doing but I have at least got started.  If you want to join me then you can by following @whovian_with_a_lightsaber

As you will notice from my name It is reflecting both Doctor Who and Star Wars

I just need a decent profile picture now :)

Monday 8 December 2014

Learning New Skills

I am hoping that this works now.

This is my first proper attempt at video editing. All I have done is removed the original audio and replaced it with a music track.  I then replaced part of the original audio and was fairly happy with the outcome:

The End? by 5791ydnA

I hope that you enjoy :)

Sunday 7 December 2014

A Whovian without Who

The title of this post suggests a situation that we all fear.
A time when Doctor Who is no more...and we all walk around wondering how to survive.

Alternatively it could be a strange parallel existence where Doctor Who never existed and yet we all know there's something we're missing...something in the corner of our eyes...

However, I am simply referring to that annual gap between the end of a series and the Christmas Special!
Yes, there is a large volume of classic Who for me to catch up on but this year we have a much shorter gap than previous years I'm struggling to establish a viewing routine.
I have watched a few Tom Baker stories and the usual batch of Smith/Tennant re-runs but I am finding it particularly tricky this year as I'm not sure of a few things regarding the future.

The first is my reaction to Series 8 and Capaldi himself.  I did find myself watching each episode a number of times and found that I was enjoying how things were moving.  I am planning a pre-christmas Series 8 marathon where I will look to see how I feel about Series 8 as a whole.

The second is the Jenna Coleman issue. Is she staying? Is she going?
I have enjoyed watching Clara, especially with the 11th Doctor and feel that if the Doctor was to re-discover Gallifrey then Clara would be the ideal companion for that journey.

So, what does a Whovian do without Who?
He simply doesn't.
It's impossible.
It does not compute.

I cannot wait for the 25th, and hopefully by that point I will have a resolution to both of my points.
Until then, Merry Christmas!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Eternal Dilemma

As someone who grew up watching Davison, Baker and McCoy I feel a sense of loyalty towards them.
I have since been treated to the delights of Eccleston, Tennant, Smith and now Capaldi.  They seem like different shows yet still contain the same key elements that allow them to remain as two parts of the same thing.

Should I prefer one to the other?
I certainly have felt it much easier to appreciate and take in the new series, but this is only down to my age and the fact that I'm no longer 10!  
But I do feel I'm not getting everything out of the new series because I'm not 10 any more! Those magical Saturday afternoons are consigned to the distant memory.

I prefer to think of Doctor Who as a continually changing constant :/ in that my favourites are constantly changing as often as the desktop on the TARDIS!

So, the eternal dilemma is just that.....eternal! I will never make a decision, I will just always enjoy whatever episode I choose to put in front of myself.

And there are over 800 to choose from....

Sunday 23 November 2014 Trenzalore

In order to maintain my commitment to regularly using this blog I thought it would be sensible to add a second post on this most special of days.
I happened to stumble upon a bit of a Doctor Who marathon on Watch tonight and have been dropping in and out. 

Interesting to see The Name of the Doctor followed by The Runaway Bride....

I haven't got the hang of how I will allow people to see this so if you are reading these words it probably means you have followed a link on Gallifrey Base. If so, thank you and don't forget to let me know you were here.

I have been spending the last 18 months, sporadically, viewing Doctor Who from the beginning and will keep this page updated with my latest viewing treat.

Anyway, time to watch the Racnoss form the centre of the Earth.....Allons-y!

From Gallifrey...

It certainly doesn't feel like a whole year since I tasted fish fingers and custard for the one and only time, whilst eyeing the bowl of jelly babies.

Yes I went for 'themed food' on the 23rd November 2013, whilst awaiting the biggest single episode of Doctor Who in its magical 50-year history. For the record they didn't taste bad but safe to say I haven't ventured back down that road since.

So, it has been a year since that day....
Matt Smith has left us, Peter Capaldi has established his Doctor and the Master is now a woman! seems like a fairly standard year to me!

Ok, here is the basics to my story....
I have been watching Doctor Who for as long as I can remember, and without revealing my age I can tell you that I enjoyed many a happy Saturday afternoon with Mr Davison!
I have twice started a blog, and twice just failed miserably to add to it.  My hope is that the significance of this blog starting on this date will help me to maintain it.  I also intend to use the fact that we have 32 days before the next episode to give me a chance to get my feet sorted.

So for now I welcome you here and hope that you don't mind a word of advice from me.....RUN!