From Gallifrey to Trenzalore

From Gallifrey to Trenzalore

Saturday 14 March 2015


On March 26th 2005 we were treated to the long overdue return of Doctor Who.  Rose brought the Doctor back to our TV screens for the first time since 1989.
He was a new Doctor, and soon had a new companion in tow, bringing us a sense of familiarity.  Christopher Eccleston seemed to relish the challenge, whether he was pleading with the Nestene or belittling Rose.  By the end of the episode we found he had softened towards Rose and was ready to bring her into his TARDIS, and begin their turbulent relationship.

The Doctor blew up the shop where she worked and ripped her boyfriend's head off, so why did Rose leave in the TARDIS at the end of the episode?
The answer is simple; Rose was introduced as a very basic character who had a job that didn't fulfil her, a boyfriend who didn't challenge her and no specific prospects.
By the end of the episode we have been brought in and shown that this character is definitely not content but has never known how to 'escape' Then, when she is offered the opportunity to develop herself, she takes it albeit at the second time of asking.

But what about the new Doctor? There are indications that he is relatively fresh from his regeneration (Ahhh could have been worse) and also that he has been involved in war (I was there, I fought in the war. It wasn't my fault) but in every other way he is the Doctor. 
For me, having been brought up on the classic series, it felt like he'd returned and yet for millions he was something new and different.  They reached out to both audiences at the same time, and with success.

So what else was there in the episode? There was Clive who was used to tease out the fact that the Doctor is someone who has been around on Earth in the past, and then there was Mickey and Jackie.  These two would become regular characters and even become embroiled in later stories as main players, right up to the end of the 10th Doctor's 'reign'.
All we saw of Mickey was that he was a rather pathetic individual who offered Rose no reason to stay other than a need to mother him.  Jackie, based on this one episode, is a feisty, yet vulnerable, single parent who was on a path very similar to her daughter.  Both characters would develop, mainly through the introduction of 'Pete's World' in series 2.

It will never be the best episode of Doctor Who, not even being Eccleston's best episode.  It is possible however, to argue that it is one of the most important episodes ever in the history of Doctor Who.  The fact that this episode was on was the most important factor.

So, 12 days from now, blow up your job, keep an eye out for those shop dummies and most!!

Monday 23 February 2015

I knew it...

I was getting started on this blog and really happy with the way it looks and then my life takes over and gets in the way.

I have had a crazy few weeks and therefore not continued with my ambition to catch up on the classic series. In addition to this I have not been enjoying the BBC3 re-runs of series 8.
However, I have been watching some 'old' new episodes and finding myself really enjoying watching Christopher Eccleston in role, and also cementing my belief that eleven was/is my Doctor.

Talking of Eccleston, can you believe its nearly been 10 years since Rose first aired?
It's moments like this where I start to feel my age!

Anyway, time for life and hopefully to find some room for a little more Doctor Who!

Sunday 28 December 2014

Plot Holes

I've always seen people pick up on and bemoan plot holes. They are always there.
However, in a show such as Doctor Who you have to accept that there are 'timey wimey' effects that mean things don't always follow in the most natural order and there are often times when you have to fill in the gaps to suit your view of a scene or situation.
My biggest issue is when people create plot holes that aren't there and just want to find fault because it fits their previous thoughts on that actor/director/writer/showrunner! 

I love a bit of mystery when I watch Doctor Who and the marvel of the show is that it entertains but also makes you think.
So stop looking for problems and enjoy it 'your way'

Saturday 27 December 2014

My new discovery

I am planning (hoping) to post here on a daily basis so to keep that up I thought I would share this:
These were discovered in a second-hand shop today and represent a good day!
I don't know if I will ever collect every DVD but it's always good to increase the collection!

Friday 26 December 2014

Clara Oswald

This was the news I was hoping for!
Having enjoyed another excellent episode I faced the anxious wait to find out whether Jenna would still be with us next year.

It was a very clever trick that Moffat played and had me ready to say goodbye! 
I can now look forward to another series with Jenna alongside Peter. 
Merry Christmas!!!

Monday 22 December 2014

Treasure Find

I couldn't believe my luck when out shopping the other week I came across these little treasures:
I can't bring myself to actually open the boxes, let alone actually drink from them! Can't believe the total cost was under £20 too!

Only 3 days to go!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Withdrawal Symptoms

Why do I have to be so busy? Why do I not have the time to sit down and review Capaldi and the impact of Series 8?

I guess it will have to wait. I guess I will have to see out the Christmas special before I get the chance to fully absorb myself in what Series 8 meant to me and where I would like to see the next series going.

So for now I must get back to finishing my work and maybe sneak a little peek on the forums at Gallifrey Base. Then before I know it we will be there and Nick Frost will bound on to the screen and we will enjoy another festive dose of Who :)