From Gallifrey to Trenzalore

From Gallifrey to Trenzalore

Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Eternal Dilemma

As someone who grew up watching Davison, Baker and McCoy I feel a sense of loyalty towards them.
I have since been treated to the delights of Eccleston, Tennant, Smith and now Capaldi.  They seem like different shows yet still contain the same key elements that allow them to remain as two parts of the same thing.

Should I prefer one to the other?
I certainly have felt it much easier to appreciate and take in the new series, but this is only down to my age and the fact that I'm no longer 10!  
But I do feel I'm not getting everything out of the new series because I'm not 10 any more! Those magical Saturday afternoons are consigned to the distant memory.

I prefer to think of Doctor Who as a continually changing constant :/ in that my favourites are constantly changing as often as the desktop on the TARDIS!

So, the eternal dilemma is just that.....eternal! I will never make a decision, I will just always enjoy whatever episode I choose to put in front of myself.

And there are over 800 to choose from....

Sunday 23 November 2014 Trenzalore

In order to maintain my commitment to regularly using this blog I thought it would be sensible to add a second post on this most special of days.
I happened to stumble upon a bit of a Doctor Who marathon on Watch tonight and have been dropping in and out. 

Interesting to see The Name of the Doctor followed by The Runaway Bride....

I haven't got the hang of how I will allow people to see this so if you are reading these words it probably means you have followed a link on Gallifrey Base. If so, thank you and don't forget to let me know you were here.

I have been spending the last 18 months, sporadically, viewing Doctor Who from the beginning and will keep this page updated with my latest viewing treat.

Anyway, time to watch the Racnoss form the centre of the Earth.....Allons-y!

From Gallifrey...

It certainly doesn't feel like a whole year since I tasted fish fingers and custard for the one and only time, whilst eyeing the bowl of jelly babies.

Yes I went for 'themed food' on the 23rd November 2013, whilst awaiting the biggest single episode of Doctor Who in its magical 50-year history. For the record they didn't taste bad but safe to say I haven't ventured back down that road since.

So, it has been a year since that day....
Matt Smith has left us, Peter Capaldi has established his Doctor and the Master is now a woman! seems like a fairly standard year to me!

Ok, here is the basics to my story....
I have been watching Doctor Who for as long as I can remember, and without revealing my age I can tell you that I enjoyed many a happy Saturday afternoon with Mr Davison!
I have twice started a blog, and twice just failed miserably to add to it.  My hope is that the significance of this blog starting on this date will help me to maintain it.  I also intend to use the fact that we have 32 days before the next episode to give me a chance to get my feet sorted.

So for now I welcome you here and hope that you don't mind a word of advice from me.....RUN!